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MANUAL OF PROCEDURES                      


Approved by the College of Fellows Board of Directors      June 2004 

Approved by the College of Fellows Advisory Committee  June 2004  


                                1.                  Purpose 

                                2.                  Establishment 

3.                  Mission 

4.                  Custodian Agreement 

5.                  Additional Duties --- The President 

6.                  Additional Duties --- The Secretary 

7.                  Additional Duties --- The Treasurer 

8.                  Nominating Committee 

9.                 The College of Fellows Advisory Committee  

10.               Other Committees


                        A.        Articles of Incorporation 

                        B.        Bylaws of the College of Fellows 

                        C.        Custodian Agreement 

                        D.        Letter of Invitation to New Members 

                        E.         Letter to Members Regarding Handbook Review 

                        F.         Report to Society Executive Committee 

                        G.        Letter to Family of Deceased Member Acknowledging Contributions 

                        H.        Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting 

                        I.          Board of Directors and Advisory Committee Rosters                           

                          J.         Treasurer’s Financial Report 

                   K.        Acknowledgement of Contribution 

                          L.         Code of Ethics 

1.         PURPOSE 

1.1              The Manual of Procedures (MOP) is a document developed by the College that together with the Bylaws of the Corporation, describes the methods and procedures by which the College accomplishes its mission.  Changes to the MOP (including its Appendices which are a part thereof) require approval of the Board of Directors of the College and the Advisory Committee of the College. 


2.1              Articles of Incorporation dated October 28, 2003 and attached as Appendix A established the College of Fellows of ASHRAE, Inc. 

2.2              The College is an independent, financially self-supporting Corporation. It has the authority to raise funds to pay for its own operating expenses and to reimburse its members for authorized expenses they incur on direct behalf of the College. The College also has the authority to raise funds for purposes that serve the College’s mission and are consistent with the Bylaws of the Society.  

3.         MISSION 

3.1              The mission of the Corporation is to serve as ambassadors to enhance ASHRAE’s technical image internally and in the community at large through activities such as transferring ASHRAE-generated technology and knowledge; mentoring students, engineers and educators to increase their awareness of ASHRAE activities; sharing knowledge or experience with the grassroots organization, such as chapter presentations; communicating ASHRAE recommended practices to resolve current industry problems; and supporting ASHRAE governance in conducting special technical activities.

Bylaws of the College of Fellows, Article 12, attached as Appendix B


4.1              An agreement, Appendix C, executed October 28, 2003, between the College and the Society outlines the procedure for the Society to act as custodian of the College’s operating funds. 


5.1              The primary duties of the President are described in ARTICLE 5, Officers, of the Bylaws. 

5.2              In January of each year before the Winter Meeting, the President shall send a letter of congratulations to each new Fellow with an invitation to join the College.  See Appendix D for sample letter. 

5.3              The College’s Bylaws, Article 5.10, require the Executive Committee to submit a report to the ASHRAE Board of Directors at the annual meeting of ASHRAE members.  The Society Board of Directors has requested that this report be submitted to the Society Executive Committee.  See Appendix F for sample report. 

5.4              Advise the family of a deceased Fellow when contributions are received in memory of the deceased Fellow.  See Appendix G for sample letter. 

5.5              In addition to the Notice of Meetings as required in the Bylaws, the President shall arrange for the meeting agenda to be posted on the College’s website 45 days prior to the annual meeting and any special meeting of the members.  See Appendix H for sample agenda. 

5.6              Prepare agenda, the status of the year’s projects and other information pertinent to each meeting of the Board and Members.   


6.1              The primary duties of the Secretary are described in ARTICLE 5, Officers, of the Bylaws. 

6.2              With the assistance of Society staff, the Secretary shall maintain a list of current members of the College.  Provide a report listing all current members to the College at the Annual meeting. 

6.3              Maintain a roster of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Advisory Committee that shall include names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, term of service, etc.  See Appendix H for sample roster. 

6.4              Manage the content of the College’s website acting as liaison between the Board of Directors and the Webmaster and polling the Board at least once each month inquiring as to any changes required. 

6.5              Prepare minutes of all meetings of the College, the Board of Directors, and the Advisory Committee.  Forward copies of the minutes to each member of the Board of Directors within 30 days of each meeting.  Provide a report to each body on actions taken at the previous meeting of that body. 

6.6              After the Annual Meeting the Secretary shall update the College’s letterhead and provide copies to each Board Member 

6.7              Arrange, with ASHRAE staff, for the filing of the annual registration with the Secretary of State of the State of Georgia.


7.1              The primary duties of the Treasurer are described in ARTICLE 5, Officers, of the Bylaws. 

7.2              The Treasurer shall prepare financial reports for meetings of the membership of the College, the College Board of Directors, and the Advisory Committee.  The report shall be in the format of Appendix J. 

7.3              Acknowledge receipt of all contributions to the College.  The amount of the contribution should be stated.  See Appendix K for sample thank you letter. 

7.4              Coordinate with ASHRAE staff to insure that records of contributions in lieu of dues and Memorial contributions are maintained.  Forward any monies received to ASHRAE staff, Finance or Foundation. 

7.5       Arrange, with ASHRAE staff, for filing of any tax reports.  


8.1              The Nominating Committee is a standing committee of the College.  The Bylaws, Article 5.10, state the Executive Committee shall appoint a nominating committee of at least five members to propose a slate of officers.   Except for the College President, no member of the Executive Committee may serve as a member of the Nominating Committee. 

8.2              At the winter meeting, the President shall appoint a Chairman of the Nominating Committee and four additional members.  The past president will typically be the Chair of the Committee. 

8.3              The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of officers for the following Society year beginning July 1st.  The Committee shall report the names of the nominees to the Board no later than April 15th so that the Board may add the listing of proposed nominees to the College’s web site and also in the notice to the members for the Annual Meeting. 

8.4              Additionally, the Nominating Committee shall identify nominees to serve for three year terms on the Advisory Committee.  Election to the Committee shall be by the membership at the Annual Meeting of the College. 


9.1              The Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the College.  The College President is the only officer who may serve on the Advisory Committee and he serves without vote and does not count for quorum.  The Committee shall elect its own officers at the first meeting of each new year. 

9.2              It is intended to speak for the interests of the members.  The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to provide support and guidance to the Board of Directors on present and future activities of the College. 

9.3              The Advisory Committee shall consist of at least twelve and no more than fifteen ASHRAE Fellows who are members of the College.  At least three members shall reside outside the United States and Canada. 

9.4              The Advisory Committee shall meet at the Annual and Winter meetings before any meetings of the College Board of Directors.  The committee shall report its findings to the Board of Directors for any appropriate action.  


10.1     Other committees may be appointed by the President or the Executive Committee as may be needed, Article 5.10 of the Bylaws.