College of Fellows Meeting

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Louisville, Kentucky


Action Items from the Louisville CoF Meeting


1. The CoF President needs to send each new fellow an email inviting them to the CoF meeting on Sunday. 

2. Richard Rooley will recommend that ASHRAE provide storage at a facility. 

3. Recommended that Richard Rooley report to ExCom –

“The College of Fellows wishes to thank the many TCs that incorporate the HB Chapter Reviews done by Fellows from the CoF.  A few TCs have not used these reviews, this hurts the quality of the ASHRAE Handbooks.  To assist in improving all HB Chapters, the CoF recommends that the ASHRAE Handbook Staff Manager oversee inclusion of review material and provide a brief feedback to the reviewer and the CoF”.  

4. The Mentoring Committee will take a first cut and document the details of a proposed plan for the pilot program, send out this document to the members and receive comments. 

5. Art will send out a list of all speakers to the CoF members.  Art will also send out the password for accessing the data base.

6. Put a discussion of Term Limits on the agenda in Orlando in New Business.



Meeting Minutes (Acceptance to be voted on in Orlando)


1. Chairman, Richard Rooley called the meeting to order at 10:00am.


2. Attendance sign-in sheet – Rooley.   The following members were present.












































































3. Recognition of Guests – Rooley

a. No guests were present.

b. Each attendee introduced themselves.

c. The CoF President needs to send each new fellow an email inviting them to the CoF meeting on Sunday. 


4. Approval of the Agenda – Rooley

a. No corrections were made in the agenda.


5. Approval of the Minutes from Chicago – Rooley

a. Approved unanimously.


6. Treasurers Report – Underwood, Acting Treasurer

a. Reported that the approximate amount in the endowed and the interest accounts totalled approximately $35,000.   

b. The CoF can safely spend about $3-5K / year. 


7. Secretary’s Report – Culp

a. Send minutes to Richard Rooley and George Sestak for the ExCom report. 


8. Committee Reports

a. Handbook – Cooper

Of the 37 Fellows who committed to reviewing handbook chapters, 17 had turned in reviews to date. 

Current HB for 2009 is Fundamentals. 

Verle Williams recommended that the written HB chapters be forwarded to reviewers for review since many reviewers have difficulty with web retrievals.  Bill Coad also agreed that the HB Chapters for review needs to be sent to the reviewer.  Culp indicated that approximately 50% is a reasonably good response. 

Other discussion:

Dick Charles had mixed results with the 5 TCs that he worked with.

Recommended that Richard Rooley report to ExCom –

“The College of Fellows wishes to thank the many TCs that incorporate the HB Chapter Reviews done by Fellows from the CoF.  A few TCs have not used these reviews, this hurts the quality of the ASHRAE Handbooks.  To assist in improving all HB Chapters, the CoF recommends that the ASHRAE Handbook Staff Manager oversee inclusion of review material and provide a brief feedback to the reviewer and the CoF”. 

b. Web Page – Hallstrom

Cost is under $1000 per year and this web site continues to be useful to the CoF. 

c. Mentoring – Culp

Dick Charles made the following motion: “Provide funding of up to $4,000 for a pilot program to bring two students to the ASHRAE Summer and Winter Meetings”.  Peter Simmonds seconded the motion. 


Bill Coad commented in favor of this project.

Art Hallstrom expressed a concern as to how the students would be selected. 

     Various comments included being sure to as the Faculty Student Chapter Advisor to make recommendations.  The Mentoring Committee will take a first cut and document the details of a proposed plan for the pilot program, document the details, send out this document to the members and receive comments.  

Vote was unanimous. 

The committee includes Charles Culp, Dick Charles, Victor Goldschmidt, Art Hallstrom, Dick Hatter, Lou Kelter, Bill Murphy, Gilbert Nye and George Sestak. 

d. Historian – Jackins

George discussed the CoF records in a file cabinet.  Bill Coad stated that the CoF needs to have possession of our historical records and this should be stored at ASHRAE headquarters.  Richard Rooley will recommend that ASHRAE provide storage at a facility. 

From past minutes: ASHRAE had agreed to supply a file  drawer at HQ but now does not have the room.  Suggestions were made to store these at the Iron (or Stone?) Mountain facility, where archives can be easily stored and retrieved.  George  with pursue this with ASHRAE.  Bill Coad will recommend the CoF use this approach in an ExCom report. 

e. Newsletter – Wright

The web site has now replaced the Newsletter as being a more cost effective method to communicate with members. 

f. Speakers Bureau Update – Hallstrom

This is the 2nd year of operation.  The speaker database is searchable and has several filters like distance the speaker is willing to travel, funding expected, and other relevant items. 

Key issues with using this are adding information.  Speakers can either add this directly or send to Nancy Hallstrom to enter the data for them. 

Art will send out a list of all speakers to the CoF members.  Art will also send out the password for accessing the data base. 


9. Old Business

a. CoF Election Results – Coad

Bill Coad reported the results of the CoF election.  George Sestak is the President, Charles Culp is the President-Elect, Ken Cooper is the Secretary and David Underwood is the Treasurer.  

Richard Rooley and Art Hallstrom will review the MOP.

Speakers Bureau needs a co-chair. 

b. Appointment of the 2012 Handbook Review Coordination Chairman – Sestak

George Sestak appointed David Claridge as the chairman

c. CoF Debate – Culp

The CoF debate on “Cities are Not Sustainable” is scheduled for Tuesday at 11:00. 

Charles Culp reviewed the slides and a few corrections were suggested and made. 

d. Future CoF Debates – Rooley

Several titles were suggested and included:

Engineers Need Hands-On Experience

Global Warming is a Hoax

Green Roofs are Evil

Air Conditioning is Evil

High Rises are Sustainable

Maintenance is too Costly 


10. New Business

a. Installation of Officers – Rooley

     This was completed.

b. Pass the Gavel – Rooley

     This was passed to George Sestak.

c. Other New Business

1. Put a discussion of Term Limits on the agenda in Orlando in New Business. 


11. Adjourned – Next meeting is in Orlando, Sunday January 24, 2009, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.